A tree full of lemons in Rabat, Morocco


Sustainable Travel Tips: 12x The Best Tips To Use Now

Sustainable travel is becoming a more and more important topic every day! With the rise of environmental awareness, people really want to try to reduce their carbon footprint, and you can do it too! By implementing small changes in your life, you can make a big difference. From choosing eco-friendly places to stay, to picking greener ways to get around, there are so many ways to travel more sustainably without having to skip out on experiences or compromise on comfort. Your adventures can even have a positive impact on the environment! Check out this guide with 12 of the most fun and easy sustainable travel tips and tricks. Let’s make your next trip both amazing and kind to the planet!

1. Keep Your Money Local

Sustainable travel is so much more than just being kind to nature, it’s about supporting local communities too! These communities help preserve unique traditions and indigenous cultures, so it’s important they benefit from our travels. Here’s how you can make a difference: Enjoy your meals at local restaurants and shop at the local market. For adventures, book tours with local guides or learn something new by taking a workshop from a local expert. This way, you’re not only having an amazing trip, but you’re also helping the local community thrive!

2. Sleeping Green: Sustainable Travel & Accommodations

Choosing locally-owned Bed and breakfasts, boutique hotels, guesthouses or hostels, is a fantastic way to make your travel more sustainable. These accommodations often have a smaller carbon footprint compared to large international chains. B&Bs and boutique hotels are known for their romantic vibes and cozy atmosphere, so they’re perfect for a couples getaway. Staying in Hostels or guesthouses not only enriches your travel experience, but it also promotes sustainable tourism. Apart from that, a lot of hostels also offer some amazing experiences. Staying local benefits both the environment and the local communities, and that’s exactly what you want!


3. Explore and Support National Parks & Marine Sanctuaries

National parks, marine sanctuaries, and protected areas are essential for keeping our planet’s wildlife and natural resources safe. They also play a big part in maintaining biodiversity and natural resources. By paying entrance fees to visit these areas, and by following operator guidelines, you can help preserve these incredible places and the wildlife that calls them home. Plus, these areas bring big benefits to local communities. They create jobs and draw travelers from all over the world, which also supports local businesses. This means that by visiting these areas, you help both nature and the people who live there! It’s a win for everyone!

4. Get Off The Beaten Path

Getting off the beaten path is easier than you might think, especially if you love exploring lesser-known destinations. In today’s social media world, it seems like every spot is crowded, but don’t let that stop you! Look beyond the popular hotspots and consider a destination that’s a little more off the radar. With a bit of research, you can avoid the frustration of battling the crowds and still make your trip equally amazing. Visiting less touristy spots not only enhances your travel experience but it also helps you to reduce the impact on the environment. Start your next adventure and challenge yourself to find those amazing, less-visited places that will truly surprise you!

Tip: Finding an alternative holiday destination is easy! Just get on the internet, pick your favorite hotspot and hit the search bar. Example: type in “Alternative to Rome, Italy”, and see the results roll in!

5. Embrace Slow Travel

Spending more time in one place can turn your trip into an unforgettable and authentic experience. Picture yourself in a cozy café in Cape Town, tasting local food, and getting to know the area like a local. Slow travel helps to reduce the strain on cities, communities, and natural reserves, while also boosting local businesses. When you take it slow, you will get to explore more unique spots and you might even uncover some hidden gems. By choosing a slower pace, you can really learn how a place ticks, you will enjoy more meaningful interactions, and you get to create some amazing memories while you’re at it. Just slow down, take it all in, and enjoy this amazing experience!

Tip: Short on time but still want to embrace slow travel? Try to opt for a destination that is close to home. This way you’ll save a lot of time on transportation and waiting at the airport. You’ll be surprised how many unknown local spots you can discover!

6. Grab Unique Souvenirs: Go Local or Second-Hand!

Looking for a unique souvenir or gift to take home? Go for locally crafted or second-hand treasures! Shopping at flea markets or local galleries makes your souvenir hunt more exciting. Apart from that, it also supports local artists and communities. Bringing home a unique and beautiful item with a story behind it, is a wonderful way to make your gift or souvenir special and meaningful. You will definitely not forget about that amazing painting you bought from a local artisan! Plus, these purchases also help the local economy and reduce waste. So, get out there and find that perfect, one-of-a-kind souvenir that brings a touch of your adventure back home

7. Ditch Single-Use Plastics – A Sustainable Travel Must!

Street food and a daily coffee to go are awesome, but let’s make them eco-friendly! Bring your own bamboo cutlery, reusable and isolating coffee mug and metal straws to cut down on single-use plastics. Most eateries, street food stalls, and coffee shops are happy to let you use your own gear. Not only will you enjoy your food and drinks with less waste, but you’ll also be helping the planet. So gear up, travel green, and make a big impact with small changes!

8. Stay Hydrated and Eco-Friendly with a Reusable Water Bottle

Small choices make a big difference, like bringing a reusable water bottle on your travels. Before you go, check if tap water is safe to drink in your destination. If fresh water is limited, a bottle with a built-in filter, like the Lifestraw Go 2.0, is a game-changer. In hot climates, you have to carry a few liters of water with you every day. If you must buy plastic bottles, opt for larger containers instead of small ones to cut down on waste. This way, you can stay hydrated and reduce your environmental footprint.

9. Pack Smart – Your Backpack or Suitcase and Sustainable Travel

Traveling sustainably starts with how you pack. Swap out plastic shampoo bottles for eco-friendly options like a bar of soap and shampoo bars. Don’t forget to bring a reusable tote bag for shopping or souvenir hunting—many stores use plastic bags that often end up as litter. Support local markets by buying your fruits, veggies, and snacks here. These markets offer the freshest produce, and you’ll avoid the plastic wrapping common in supermarkets. These are all simple and easy changes that will make your travels greener and more enjoyable without having to give up any comfort.

10. Transportation and Flight Choices: Go Green on the Go

Ready to make your adventures more eco-friendly? Start by exploring more sustainable transportation options! While sometimes a car is necessary for getting around, you can still try to make greener choices. Opt for public transport when it’s available, and when you explore cities, consider renting a bike, or get your walk on to discover local treasures. When flying, opt for the most eco-friendly flight available. Tools like Skyscanner’s eco-marker, highlight flights that use less fuel and produce fewer emissions. Newer airplanes and budget airlines are designed to be more fuel-efficient and often carry more passengers, reducing your carbon footprint. Budget airlines also encourage lighter packing by charging for checked luggage, so accept the challenge and try to travel with less!

11. Enjoy Animals In A Sustainable Way

Tourism and animal abuse sadly go hand in hand. Luckily, there are many ways to enjoy animals in a sustainable and animal-friendly way! Seeing animals thrive in their natural habitat is a precious and special experience, and the memories of these encounters will last you a lifetime. Imagine seeing wild camels or elephants roaming around freely, or spotting wild seals frolicking around in the water! Apart from these wild encounters, there are also many tours you can book that are animal-friendly. To select an animal-friendly tour I recommend to read a lot of reviews, and to make sure there is no other interaction involved apart from observing the animals. Tours where you can feed, wash, hold or ride animals are a definite no-go!

Tip: Traveling to the Middle East, North Africa or another camel riding destination? Read this before you go

12. Continue Your Sustainable Travel Journey at Home!

Why stop your journey when you get home? There are so many ways to live in a more sustainable way at home too! Some of the most useful things I have done in the past few years is swapping items I use every day for more sustainable alternatives. I now wash my clothes with plastic-free washing sheets, I grow my own herbs, I own a rain barrel to water my plants and use refillable, natural cleaning detergent and good old fashioned green soap and cleaning vinegar. All small steps to live more sustainably!

Ready to book your next sustainable travel adventure?

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