The Best Two-Day Itinerary For Petra, Jordan

Planning to visit Petra? Prepare to be swept away by the mesmerizing beauty and rich history of the ancient city. There is a lot to see in Petra, which makes two days the perfect amount of time to get the most out of your visit. It will give you enough time to explore Petra at your own pace. This is also a great option if you would like to visit Petra by Night or Little Petra while you’re there. Because you don’t have to rush between sites, you will have a more relaxing experience. Use this Petra itinerary to plan your time in Jordan.

Petra Itinerary Day 1

First Morning Inside Petra

You want to enter Petra as early as possible, so you can be the first to get to the main event: The Treasury. Petra opens at 6 in the morning, which makes it the ideal place for early birds. You start your journey at the visitor center, where you skip a visit to the museum for now. You can get your tickets at the designated area within the visitor center. Make sure to use your Jordan Pass, because entrance to Petra is included. Learn more about the Jordan Pass and why you should get one.

The Siq and the Treasury

After you pass the entrance, you can enter Petra through the dramatic Siq, which is a narrow gorge that leads to the hidden treasures within. As you emerge from the Siq, be prepared to witness the iconic Treasury (Al-Khazneh) in all its breathtaking glory. Spend some time exploring the intricacies of this remarkable structure and capturing this amazing facade. Because you’re visiting the Treasury as early as possible, you will have a high chance to beat the crowds.

Tip: Don’t forget your passport! You will need it to enter Petra. Read all about visiting Petra in this complete guide to Petra.

First Afternoon in Petra

From the Treasury, you can either directly move forward and hike up towards the Monastery (Ad-Deir), or take a moment to drink some tea and have a little breakfast. The hike from the Treasury to the Monastery can be challenging, but it’s totally worth it. You’ll be hiking and walking for a couple of hours though, so it’s important to take regular breaks and drink plenty of water. Mornings in Petra can be cold, but it can get scorching hot during the day, so make sure to find some shade now and then. Don’t forget to take in the incredible views on your way to the Monastery!

Gazing at the Monastery

At the Monastery, there’s a little cafe that serves fresh juice, tea and snacks. You can also enjoy your lunch while looking at the Monastery (Ad-Deir) in all its glory. From this point you can start your hike all the way back to the visitor center. Day visitors usually leave quite early, which makes the afternoon the perfect time to enjoy the other beautiful facades in Petra without the crowds. Alternatively, you can walk straight back to the visitor center and visit the museum. The museum houses a lot of artifacts, but it’s also a great place to get more information about Petra.

Tip: If you’re short on time, you can choose to visit the Monastery through the “back-door entrance” instead of hiking all the way up there. This way you’ll save a lot of time while still being able to visit the highlights of Petra.

Petra Itinerary Day 1: Bonus Activities

Since Petra has so much more to offer, it really pays off to wander through the ancient streets, marvel at the Royal Tombs, and discover hidden temples and theaters that showcase the incredible architectural wonders of the Nabateans. Still not tired? Get tickets for Petra by Night. Petra by Night can either be not your cup of tea, or one of your most treasured experiences. My experience at Petra by Night was really good, but I did go during ramadan, which is a quiet time in Jordan. Read more about traveling to Jordan during ramadan.

Petra Itinerary Day 2

Second Morning inside Petra

On your second morning, venture off the beaten path to uncover Petra’s hidden gems and breathtaking vistas. Because it’s your second day, you can take it easy and explore the lesser-known trails and secret viewpoints that offer panoramic views of the ancient city and its stunning surroundings. Visiting these off the beaten path spots might sound difficult, but it’s a lot easier than you might think. There are many beautiful hidden gems in Petra that you will stumble upon. You can also use the morning to revisit some places you missed, or you simply can’t get enough of.

Visit The High Place of Sacrifice & the Roman Theater

One of these hidden gems is the High Place of Sacrifice. It’s quite a hike up, but from here you’ll be rewarded with stunning views of the city below. Alternatively, or after visiting the High Place of Sacrifice, you can explore the Roman Theater inside Petra. Just imagine the bustling life that once thrived within its walls, and appreciate the impressive craftsmanship that went into its construction.

Petra Itinerary Day 2: Explore More Or Visit Little Petra

During the afternoon you can either choose to stay within Petra and explore some more, or to visit Little Petra (Siq Al-Barid). Little Petra is the little sister of Petra, which you can find 5 kilometers North of Petra. Its facades are not as big as the Treasury and the Monastery, but there are some amazing hidden gems to be found. The most interesting and beautiful sight inside Little Petra is definitely the mosaic-like Nabatean ceiling fresco. Little Petra is usually a lot less crowded than Petra, so exploring it will be easy and fun!

Petra Itinerary: The Best Tips For Two Days In Petra

  • Make sure to enter Petra as early as possible to enjoy it in all its glory! If you stay close to the entrance of Petra you will be able to enter as one of the first visitors. Here are all your hotel options near the entrance of Petra
  • Wear comfortable and sturdy footwear like sneakers or walking shoes to conquer the uneven surfaces in Petra.
  • Bring lots of water, sunscreen and shade (cover your arms and legs). It can get really hot inside Petra and the sun can be very powerful.
  • If you’re into photography it really pays off to bring an extra battery for your camera, as there are many photogenic spots in Petra!
  • You don’t need a guide to visit Petra, all of the sights can easily be explored by yourself!
  • The best time to visit Petra depends on your own preferences: you can read all about the best time to visit Petra here.

Petra Itinerary: Enjoying Your Trip To The Fullest

With two days in Petra, you’ll have ample time to discover the wonders of the ancient city. You can dive deeper into its history, explore hidden corners, and create unforgettable memories that will stay with you long after you’ve left. Planning your trip to Petra in advance is essential to make the most of your time. By using the tips and information in this article, you will definitely get the most out of your visit to the incredible lost city of Petra!

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